المشترين إطار السرير
Maybe no such statistics is available in the Bed Frame market. Because different manufacturers may establish different channels in different countries and regions. This should not be a key when you consider whether to do the business. As a new purchaser, you are expected to first do research into the local market to figure out the demand. You may have own product idea or design. Then OEM/ODM should be found.
JLH Array image24
JINLONGHENG FURNITURE CO.,LTD has become one of the most professional full size mattress manufacturer. JINLONGHENG FURNITURE's mattress series contains multiple sub-products. Our bed headboard has complete specifications with color variety. Manufactured by strict quality control, each mattress is highly recommended. Compared with general products, bamboo memory foam mattress is featured with queen gel memory foam mattress, so it is more competitive in commercial market. JLH mattress has passed ISO 9001 2000.
JLH Array image24
The establishment of new mattress will be conducive to the development of JLH. Ask!

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